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Pre 2012 model N360 excessive shift resistance
If you have a shifter that is very hard to turn it may be due to the dropouts. My shifter recently had become almost unusable due to it seizing up every time the axle nut was tight. With the wheel removed it was fine so I know it was something to do with the shift interface. I finally discovered after hours of fiddling with the shift interface that it was the old worn-out and distorted dropouts on my bike that were to blame when this happened.

[Image: f1vp.jpg]
The dropout had distorted the shift adapter until it eventually broke.

[Image: jjxh.jpg]
Where the paint is missing is where the part had been rubbing.

So if you have a pre 2012 model hub, knocked about dropouts and are experiencing excessive shifter resistance this might be the problem. I didn’t think the wheel would come loose when a shift adapter fails but it’s worth being cautious about. Anyone with a 2012 model hub has nothing to worry about because this part has been partly replaced by a much more substantial nut.
- Oran
I never liked the way this interface is made out of cheap plastic!

A good upgrade would be to change for aluminium...
Si ça a déjà été fait, je peux le faire
Si ça n`a jamais été fait, donnez-moi juste le temps de trouver comment !

I never really fixed the shifter resistance I described in the previous post. I filed a bit of metal off where it had been rubbing and this eased the resistance enough to make it usable. The resistance was still very high and I finally decided I’d had enough. It was spoiling the CVT experience not being able to make small alterations to the ratio.

While I was checking the freewheel today for traction fluid (it’s still leaking but not much) I wondered what was stopping me installing a 2012 hub interface and shift adapter on a pre 2012 hub. It turns out that it is only these nuts.

[Image: n1fv.jpg]
The pre 2012 is on the left.

I soon had them swapped, a 2012 hub interface fitted and what a difference it made. I’ll enjoy riding my bike again nowSmile.
- Oran

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