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Fixing N360 guide slot wear.
The bushing wear test is currently on hold. I felt that the hub had increased drag which I want to investigate. Also because I've been clamping the derailleur used as a chain tensioner with the axle nut the thread has become partially stripped. I think its due to the nut not being against a level surface. Its become a safety issue and I'm currently unsure how to fix it. Hopefully I can separate the axle from the stator.

I will post updates when I get around to investigating these 2 issues.
- Oran
I think I've found the cause of the reduced efficiency. A check of the bushing wear revealed that they have worn as much in the past 1400 miles as the previous bushings did in 2300. Well they have on the side furthest from the planet, nearest the planets it's actually less. The rate of wear isn't as bad as it appears because the majority of the wear on the previous bushings occurred in the first 1500 miles. Not sure why but the problem is that the planets have been rubbing up against the steel washer's.

[Image: WP_20160730_018_zpsetcgl8df.jpg] [Image: WP_20160730_019_zpsoh1csutf.jpg]
[Image: 20160801_141125_zpsxtllamfm.jpg]

I'm going to try new bushings and see what happens. The worst damage to the washers has occurred on the planets with the most worn bushings. It's quite significant with the washers now having a bevelled edge. Fortunately the magnets have collected the particles of steel. There is a small amount of wear on the stator mostly on the input side. I'm wondering if this is helping to send the planets out of alignment and speed up the bushing wear. So far the hubs gone a lot further than any of my others, currently 4400 miles. Initial impressions after fitting the new bushing is that the efficiency is back to normal.
- Oran
4400 miles is a lot of mileage! Is it the longest distance you have done with a NuVinci hub?
Si ça a déjà été fait, je peux le faire
Si ça n`a jamais été fait, donnez-moi juste le temps de trouver comment !

It is the furthest by 1500 miles and the hub is in far better condition.

I did attempt to swap the axles, I started by trying to further dismantle the cutaway hub. The stator however is a tight push fit on to the axle and without some kind of puller it wasn't moving easily. Just have to hope there is sufficient thread to continue gripping the nut.
- Oran
I can't pictute what you are explaining... Do you have a photo?

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Si ça a déjà été fait, je peux le faire
Si ça n`a jamais été fait, donnez-moi juste le temps de trouver comment !

Both the magnesium casting and the steel pressed on to it are a tight fit on the axle.
[Image: WP_20160730_007_zps1fdjafwy.jpg]
- Oran

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